WELCOME to Courageous Intimacy

A Call for Christian Men

to Experience Sexual Satisfaction

instead of Shame through

Sexual Wholeness

Men of God are not powerless to rule over our sexual desires and govern our lives in ways that lead to intimacy instead of ignorance, misuse, and broken relationships.

You already hold the key to sexual satisfaction instead of shame and I am here to help you discover what it can unlock in every part of your life!

Sexual Wholeness is not something you can buy with a wedding ring (on an online course); you must win its rewards through a personal integration of faith and sexuality that is unique to your spiritual walk with God!

A Spiritual Journey to Sexual Wholeness

Are you ready to begin a hero's journey?

Sexual wholeness is a quest each man must choose for himself. The rewards of sexual satisfaction must be won through commitment and cultivation of sexual integrity, freedom, and skill. This kind of transformation doesn't happen overnight, but it also doesn't have to be difficult.


Tools, Techniques, & Strategy


Step #1 - Join the Movement

Click on the link to join a community of Christian men committed to integrating faith & sexuality!

As part of the admission process, you will receive a free 15-minute video call with me that we can use to identify your goals, desires, and the obstacles keeping you from success.

After we talk, you will be eligible to join the Courageous Intimacy community on Telegram with other men who are committed to supporting each other on this journey!

If you've never had a shame-free conversation with another Christian man about your experience of sexuality, this is going to be the first step for you! It may help to think of it like confession with all of the benefits and none the guilt - and with strategies instead of penance.


Step #2 - Battle Plan

With the right tools, resources, and strategies, an impossible journey becomes simple and straightforward. There is no one-size-fits-all path for you to follow because every man has different dreams, desires, and obstacles to his success. However, there are certain practices, ways of thinking, and techniques that can shorten your learning curve from decades to months. I have spent 12 years of study, practice, and learning with experts in the field to acquire these tools and these 5 weeks of 1-on-1 coaching sessions will help us to identify and begin practicing with the ones you need most for success!


Mastermind for Christian Men

An exclusive community for Christian men with a common purpose of integrating faith and sexuality.

The structure of this mastermind is determined by the needs, interests, and expertise of each member. Our general frame is a weekly meeting of 45-60 minutes that includes goal-setting, sharing, and teaching on one of the four core concepts covered in the "Rule-over" course. Depending on time, I may also facilitate coaching that draws upon the expertise of all present members. This is not a guru-led program, but a mastermind that honors the ability of every member to contribute, lead, teach, or counsel. These are important skillsets for us to develop as men. Instruction (by group members and guest teachers) will emphasize practice and personalized implementation of strategies that support the goal of each individual.

Includes "Map & Key," "Know Thyself," and early access to the "Rule Over" course.


"Rule Over" - A Course for Christian leaders


This 5-week course covers the basic principles and practices needed for a lifetime of sexual satisfaction.

Following a wisdom-based model of instruction, this course includes a series of guided practices and reflections centered around four core topics. AWARENESS - allows us to observe our mental constructs, self-concept, and the stories we tell ourselves about sex. PRESENCE - opens the door to every-day encounter with the divine as the fundamental starting point of reality. EMBODIMENT - introduces the language of life and biology giving us a deeper and more integrated experience of the body in sexuality. INTIMACY - empowers the realm of relationships with tools and practices that facilitate rich rewarding connections with others in every part of life.

This course concludes with a final module that integrates each of the preceding steps into a method of ejaculatory choose. Until you can choose when and how you experience the most powerful moment of sexual expression, you will struggle to feel powerful in any other part of life. There is no substitute for learning how to "rule over" our own bodies, as the key to successful stewardship in every other part of life.

Dr Kevin Jenson

Sexual Ethics Consultant

PhD - Learning, Instruction, & Innovation

M.Ed - Adult Education and Training

M.Div - [in progress]


Twelve years ago, I decided I was time to end the frustration, misery, and shame of a Christian sexual ethic whose only guidance was "get married first." I was done "fleeing" and failing all the time in a war that I didn't understand - but I wasn't ready to give up the idea that God had something important to say about sex.

So I turned to the scripture, I opened my life to the spirit, and I found the answer I was looking for but did not expect!

You can read the whole story of how I ended the war between God and sex at www.sacrednotsinful.com

Today I help Christian men experience sexual satisfaction instead of shame by giving them access resources and guidance on the journey to sexual wholeness.

My approach to instruction is integrated, empowering, innovative, and grounded in truth and love - an instructional model that comes from the book of Proverbs! If you want to see my educational philosophy, go to www.humancenteredlearning.org


How do I join the Courageous Intimacy community?

There are two steps to join the Courageous Intimacy community for Christian men:
1. Hero's Call - I use this to make sure you will be a good fit with the community. We are a diverse community with a common value for integrating faith and sexuality.

  1. Membership fee - $20 gives you lifetime membership in the Courageous Intimacy community. If you struggle to afford the fee, let me know on the call.

Is this LGBTQ friendly?

This Courageous Intimacy community welcomes every unique expression of sexuality, gender, and relationship style that honors your pursuit of intimacy with God and with others. However, this group is exclusively for those whose experience of sexuality is mediated through a male body. The only blanket celebration or affirmation we provide is to the cultivation of sexual wholeness - in whatever form that takes.

Do I have to identify as a Christian?

Thanks to the unhealthy sexual ethics of modern Christianity, many of us had to leave behind the labels of Christianity in order to experience a relationship with God. We welcome those of all faiths (or of no particular tradition) as long as you have some familiarity (or at least interest and respect) for the Bible, the teachings of Jesus, and the Christian community. If you are uncomfortable with questions or critical thinking, you will not want to join.

Core Values and Community Guidelines


Curiosity - learning, discovery, and understanding are more important than reputation or performance

Compassion - everyone has their own unique journey to integrate faith & sexuality and we are here to support each other in every way

Creativity - welcome disagreement, questions, and diversity of perspectives! We are here to discover and live out a better answer, not conform to someone else's expectations or interpretations of the Bible

Community Guidelines:

No spam, promotions, or irrelevant content. If you share an idea or resource you did not create, you must offer a note of why it is meaningful to you.

If you claim someone is going to hell for disagreeing with you, you will be removed immediately.

Sowing discord or personally attacking others will be grounds for suspension from the group. (Note: discord and disagreement are very different things. If you struggle with this distinction, ask for help. One of our goals as a community is to develop relational skills...and this includes healthy disagreement!)


Coaching Feedback

We've both been on a bit of a journey to look for non-traditional, carefully thought perspectives about sexuality and beyond, watched a couple of your videos and it sounds just like what we've been looking for."This is so needed"

"You know how to ask the right questions

"I finally have clarity on what is holding me back from the intimacy I want to experience."

"I came into this feeling very conflicted and confused of what I believed about sexuality and intimacy. After going through this with Kevin, I feel enlightened, awakened, and secure about what I need to do and who I am."

"I've never told anyone this before"

"I feel like there might be a way forward now."

"It's also just nice to have someone to talk to about it, you know."

I feel like God led me to your profile for a reason and I would really love some help learning HEALTHY sexual desire.

Send a Message

Use this form to send me a message about anything! You can even make it anonymous. Everything you share here is confidential.

This is also the easiest way to get more information about the Hero's Call, Map & Key, Mastermind, and Rule-over Course.

The LORD has not given us a spirit of fear;

but of POWER, of LOVE, and of self-RULE

1 Timothy 1:7

(c) 2024 - Choose Love Ministries