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How do I join the Courageous Intimacy community?

There are two steps to join the Courageous Intimacy community for Christian men:
1. Hero's Call - I use this to make sure you will be a good fit with the community. We are a diverse community with a common value for integrating faith and sexuality.

  1. Membership fee - $20 gives you lifetime membership in the Courageous Intimacy community. If you struggle to afford the fee, let me know on the call.

Is this LGBTQ friendly?

This Courageous Intimacy community welcomes every unique expression of sexuality, gender, and relationship style that honors your pursuit of intimacy with God and with others. However, this group is exclusively for those whose experience of sexuality is mediated through a male body. The only blanket celebration or affirmation we provide is to the cultivation of sexual wholeness - in whatever form that takes.

Do I have to identify as a Christian?

Thanks to the unhealthy sexual ethics of modern Christianity, many of us had to leave behind the labels of Christianity in order to experience a relationship with God. We welcome those of all faiths (or of no particular tradition) as long as you have some familiarity (or at least interest and respect) for the Bible, the teachings of Jesus, and the Christian community. If you are uncomfortable with questions or critical thinking, you will not want to join.

Core Values and Community Guidelines


Curiosity - learning, discovery, and understanding are more important than reputation or performance

Compassion - everyone has their own unique journey to integrate faith & sexuality and we are here to support each other in every way

Creativity - welcome disagreement, questions, and diversity of perspectives! We are here to discover and live out a better answer, not conform to someone else's expectations or interpretations of the Bible

Community Guidelines:

No spam, promotions, or irrelevant content. If you share an idea or resource you did not create, you must offer a note of why it is meaningful to you.

If you claim someone is going to hell for disagreeing with you, you will be removed immediately.

Sowing discord or personally attacking others will be grounds for suspension from the group. (Note: discord and disagreement are very different things. If you struggle with this distinction, ask for help. One of our goals as a community is to develop relational skills...and this includes healthy disagreement!)

The LORD has not given us a spirit of fear;

but of POWER, of LOVE, and of self-RULE

1 Timothy 1:7

(c) 2024 - Choose Love Ministries